We have had a great response to the questionnaire from across the UK, with around 15% of all FiY1 doctors having completed our questionnaire (this is a very good figure for this sort of online questionnaire).
In order to collect longitudinal data, questionnaires have been distributed on a three-week rolling schedule. Many people have now received two links, and some this week have received a third. We know that many people have come to the end of their FiY1 posts as F1 induction approaches at the end of the month, and so this will mark the end of data collection Phase 1. If you get a questionnaire link and have finished your FiY1 post, please do follow the link – there are options to record that.
Phase 2, where new doctors starting F1 directly will also be included, will begin during F1 induction, and we are working with colleagues at Foundation Schools to make sure everyone is aware of the project.
We will give a round up of Phase 1 on the blog next week.