Phase 2: the work and wellbeing of new F1s

As FiY1 posts come to an end, so too does Phase 1 of our project. We have some great data on the work activity and wellbeing of doctors in those posts. Our sincere thanks to those who have taken the time to complete questionnaires.

At the moment we have responses from about 10% of FiY1s, although with some regions better represented than others. FiY1s who have completed their posts in the last three weeks will have a final opportunity to add to this dataset at the end of FiY1 before we move on to Phase 2.

Foundation SchoolQuestionnaire
East Anglia5
Essex, Bedfordshire & Hertfordshire9
Leicester, Northamptonshire & Rutland11
North Central and East London 19
North West London9
North West24
S Thames34
W Midlands21
Yorkshire & Humber60
Northern Ireland39
 Total (inc Foundation School not known)460

Phase 2 – welcome to new F1s

So far we have been concerned with the work and wellbeing of those in FiY1 posts. In Phase 2, the scope broadens to encompass all doctors starting F1. We will be collecting data in August – within the first two weeks of starting F1 after shadowing – and in September, when F1s will have become more accustomed to their new roles.

These questionnaires will be similar to that completed during FiY1, but with an additional focus on how prepared for different aspects of work new doctors feel.

All new F1s should get a reminder about the study during their F1 induction. If you have already signed up to take part in the study you will receive a questionnaire link at the email you signed up with. If not (or if you are unsure) you can still sign up at

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