Some of our early findings have been included in the GMC’s State of Medical Education and Practice (SoMEP) 2020. SoMEP is an annual report which reviews trends across medicine. This year it is obviously dominated by COVID-19, and we are pleased our research contributes to understanding of the FiY1 response.
The key points from these interim findings are:
– Graduates undertook FiY1 for a range of reasons, including a desire to help and put their skills into practice, and a pragmatic desire to earn money and do something during lockdown.
-Many graduates were unable to do FiY1 even though they would have liked to, due to logistical and communication issues.
– FiY1s worked in a range of settings, although most worked in clinical wards. A large number had worked in areas where there were COVID-19 patients, with around 30% working in COVID-specific clinical areas.
– F1s who had done an FiY1 post were more prepared for F1 than those who had not.
Full analysis will be in our final report in 2021. You can read SoMEP 2020 here.