Clark, A. Fighting Deindustrialisation: Scottish Women’s Factory Occupations, 1981-1982. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2023
Government Report
Fraser A, Hamilton-Smith N, Clark A, Atkinson C, Graham W, McBride M. Community Experiences of Serious Organised Crime in Scotland – Research Findings. Edinburgh: Scottish Government, 2018.
Journal Articles
Clark A. ‘People just dae wit they can tae get by’: Exploring the half-life of deindustrialisation in a Scottish community’. The Sociological Review 2023, 71(2), 332–350.
Clark A. Workplace occupations in British labour history: Rise, fall, and historical legacies. Labour History Review 2021, 86(1), 1-6.
Clark A. ‘There is nothing there for us and nothing for the future’: Deindustrialization and workplace occupation, 1981-1982. Labour History Review 2021, 86(1), 37-61.
Clark A, Fraser A, Hamilton-Smith N. Networked territorialism: the routes and roots of organised crime. Trends in Organized Crime 2021, 24, 246-262.
Fraser A, Clark A. Damaged hardmen: Organized crime and the half-life of deindustrialization. British Journal of Sociology 2021, Epub ahead of print.
Clark A, Gibbs E. Voices of social dislocation, lost work and economic restructuring: Narratives from marginalised localities in the ‘New Scotland’. Memory Studies 2020, 13(1), 39-59.
Robertson M, Clark A. ‘We Were the Ones Really Doing Something About It’: Gender and Mobilisation against Factory Closure. Work, Employment and Society 2019, 33(2), 336-344.
Clark A. Collaborating with schools: challenges and opportunities for oral historians. Oral History 2015, 44, 107-115.
Clark A. And the next thing the chairs barricaded the door’: The Lee Jeans factory occupation, trade unionism and gender in Scotland in the 1980s. Scottish Labour History 2013, 48, 116-134.
Chapters in Edited Collections
Clark A. Stealing Our Identity and Taking It over to Ireland’: Deindustrialization, Resistance, and Gender in Scotland. In: High, S., Perchard, A., and MacInnon, L, ed. The Deindustrialized World: Confronting Ruination in Postindustrial Places. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2017, pp.331-347.