Several PhD Positions Available

We invite applications for several fully-funded PhD studentships in astrophysics at Newcastle University, starting in 2022. Within ourObservational Astronomy and Cosmology & Quantum Gravity groups, we offer a vibrant environment for PhD students and postdocs with links to other areas of physics, mathematics and statistics. We value equality, diversity and inclusion and strive to promote it within our groups and beyond.

Below is a short summary of the available positions:
X-ray polarization: a new window to understand black holes. Studentship supervised by Dr Adam Ingram
Deadline: January 31st 2022
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Understanding the connections between supermassive black holes and galaxies with the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) Studentship supervised by Dr David Rosario
Deadline: January 31st 2022
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Bell-Burnell Graduate Scholarship Graduate Scholarship for students from groups currently under-represented in Physics (part-funded from the IOP). Our group members offer several cosmology and observational astronomy projects.
Deadline: 12 December
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Robinson Cosmology PhD studentships: Two prestigious PhD studentships in cosmology. We offer projects ranging from early universe theory to late-time cosmology with applications to galaxy surveys.
Deadline: 31 January
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Lady Bertha Jeffrey’s PhD studentship in Theoretical Physics or Astrophysics:Prestigious PhD studentship in Theoretical Physics orAstrophysics. Projects range from black holes to galaxies and the cosmic web.
Deadline 31: January
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