It has been a great experience attending the COST Action ENBA (European Network of Bioadhesion) meeting in Barcelona March 5-6th. Two members of the (A)nemone team attended the meeting to discuss on the bio-inspired adhesives. Nick as a core member and a ‘working group 1’ leader attended both days, while Marcelo joined socially for the dinner and formally for the second day (Yes, Jess stayed in Newcastle nursing our anemones and making sure all was running well). The first day was for core members only to undertake executive decisions. On the second day, we enjoyed presentations from ENBA members and networking with international colleagues. The most enriching experience of the meeting was with no doubt to meet with old colleagues and to make new ones. Great opportunities have arisen from the discussions to create a Biomolecular focused working group and an Early Career Group within ENBA’s main activities. Thank you very much to all that made the meeting possible. We are looking forward to meeting with you at the next meeting, wherever it is!
For more information about ENBA, see their website:

Barnacles attached to mussels and all found in a paella during dinner. That’s a great example of bioadhesion!

Nick as a session chair during presentations.