Vaulting the Financial Rut

Ok, it was turning it to a tale of woe, right? On a careering BSc rollercoaster to nowhere. Clearly there is a happy ending – I am presently studying MSc Engineering Geology, a painstakingly chosen degree programme this time.
With background in Earth Science, a geological focus of some kind seemed inevitable. And the whole ‘engineering’ bag? Well engineering is probably the most credible prefix imaginable in the current climate of science and technology! It provides a structured framework for continued study and career development, promoting hands-on skills and highly desirable technical knowledge = a degree with a directional future.

‘How did you manage to clear the horrendous financial rut?’ I hear you cry. Well I was accepted on to my present course with the condition of a departmental studentship from the Natural Environment Research Council. How on earth did I manage such a thing? Well, I just asked.

In the end it was actually that simple. If you are serious about further study and prepared to put your cards on the table there are many more funding opportunities out there than you realise, you just need to be determined in securing them. Bursaries are in place to help students pursuing courses which will provide valuable skills in employment or research environments. Be firm with your attributes and know your sources of support when you apply for further study.
Don’t ever be afraid to keep pursuing these opportunities. For me it made the ultimate difference between being able to pursue further study or not.…_place_to_start

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