Let me make this one short and sweet.
If you have so much free time that you are actually reading this blog, I think you should instead invest sometime in this website:
As that might in fact be a lot more helpful than what you read here (believe me I’m trying hard to squeeze out some interesting stories, but I just really can’t – loads of applications sent with no responses after a month doesn’t sound funny no matter how humourous or sarcastic a person you are).
Anyway…I discovered this fantastic website while looking for jobs, and it is really useful because the website tells you what people do exactly in all types of jobs. For example if you are studying a degree in journalism (I give you my condolence if you are unlucky as me, for jobs in the media industry are expected to fall by a third this year), but always wondered if PR and HR jobs suit you at all, click on the link above, type in ‘human resource’, or whatever job title it is that you want to learn more of, then you will get a detailed list of information.
The two most useful tips I find are ‘job descriptions’ and ‘typical work activities’, because with their help I know how to highlight relevant information on my CV and cover letter, also I know I won’t ask stupid questions such as ‘So what do you PR people do exactly?’ in future interviews, if, that day ever comes.
The website also provides information on salary, entry requirements, career development, vacancy sources, and even contacts and case studies!
Since it is now officially recession time and there are more people losing rather than finding jobs, it may be worth it to spend some time thinking what else you’d like to work as if the dream job is looking less likely, which is very much my case.
Image from www.youllputyoureyeout.com