Since January I’ve been looking for a new work opportunity because my previous work experience was near completion at the time. Luckily, I’ve recently found another placement in the media sector after a month’s hopeless searching. And now I summarised a little step-to-step guidance on how to find an internship, according to my very own awkward experiences.
Step 1 involves numerous hand-sweating, heart-pumping phone enquiries. A very personal tip is to
avoid making long sentences sound like one word
which is usually caused by a high degree of nervousness. Do NOT babble yourpreparedlittletelephonespeechwithoutstopping, take a breath in between.
Step 2 employs your perfect (or torturously scrambled, whichever) cover letter. Send it off as soon as possible once you get the contact’s email address, even if the answer they give you is not definite.
Step 3 challenges your persistency as well as patience. Don’t be obvilious about your own effort if no news arrives in the next couple of weeks. By this time you are half way to success so keep the spirit up and follow-
Step 4, which is to work up the courage once more and pester your contacts again and again (with reasonable intervals in between), until you get a definite
a) Yes – steps completed in advance and congratulations you got the job! Or,
b) No – then go to,
Step 5 Try another company. Prepared for occasions such as b) above, this step can’t be simpler as you’ve been very experienced with the whole procedure by now – just repeat steps 1 to 4, until someone says yes.
And eventually success will come.
However stupid this guidance may sound, one day you finally get an offer you may find sometimes seemingly stupid way works best. Good luck!