Notes from a final year English Literature student/author/store manager…

A wordy title I realise, my apologies. Aside from wondering where the last two years have gone, a common concern for third year students is what will happen next year. This anxiety is likely to be doubled if, like myself, you’re on a course without much obvious career direction and aren’t really sure what you want to do with your life.

Without rattling off my entire CV, I thought a reasonable first post would be to give you an idea of some of my jobs, both past and present. Last Christmas I worked in a concession in a department store [hint #1 – in retail, it’s always a good idea to ask whether there are any concessions in the store as people usually presume everything is part of the store as a whole. For example, in Fenwicks Newcastle, both Ted Baker and All Saints have concessions, and receive considerably fewer applications than Fenwicks].

Recently, I have been working in a smaller menswear store in Jesmond [far less faceless and anonymous than working in the city centre…], where I am the acting manager – responsibilities include orders, opening up, displays etc. Because of my interest in fashion I have applied to a 6 month internship with a major brand in New York City. I also DJ [though as yet, unpaid – house parties, promo mixes being played as warmup mixes by other DJs] and am a reasonable way into writing a collection of short stories, the largest of which may at some point emerge as a fully fledged novel. I’m hoping to have a couple of stories finished by the end of the week to send to an editor.

Hint #2 – So important it deserves its own paragraph; it’s not what you know, it’s who you know. If my experience seems remotely daunting, you might be relieved to discover that I was trusted with so much responsibility in the clothes shop because my aunt used to date the owner, and it is my father who is sending my writing off to his editor friends. Of course, talent still means something too…

Thus completes post numero uno, I’ll be sure to update this with any news on anything I’ve mentioned, or anything else that happens on the careers front.
