Things got a little tricky…

Well after my last blog which explained my complete lack of work experience opportunities i have been offered three different work experience placements which is fantastic and proves that gruelling perseverance is priceless!

But i also got a whole lot of bad luck the past few weeks as i broke my leg…gutted!

It happened the weekend before i was scheduled to start my first placement at the B Group a creative agency. But they were really good about it and i should be able to postpone it untill after my leg is better, i then got offered and interview for a placement in summer which is great…but then got offered another placement in the first week of easter which they cruelly offered to me then took away when they heard about the pot/cast whatever you want to call it! Although i made it very clear how keen i was and they all said that they will keep somehting open for me for when im well enough.

So basically from this little life lesson ive been given recently, if you wait long enough and try hard enough you will get what you want…but just maybe with a few little osbtacles.

I’ll keep you updated with whether i got to the placements in the end and what they were like, fingers crossed i wont break any more bones!

“We’ll keep your CV on file”…?!?!

I’ve got to admit that ive been neglecting my blogging entries recently over this hectic christmas period…I hope that everyone had a good holiday.

I’m hoping that the sentence, “Sorry there are no vacancies available at present, but we’ll keep your CV on file.” is familiar to quite a few of you and its not just me that is having trouble finding some work experience. But thankfully we’re not alone!!

Its a new year, new chances, new opportunities. Don’t get too disheartened if you efforts to find some amazing career starting experience are failing you, good things come to those who wait…this is what i am telling myself anyway. Any work experience is good experience as most jobs have transferable skills so you will find that you’ve got more than you think, its just learning how to put them onto paper.

I went to the careers service at the end of last semester, and they were a huge help. If you take your CV in they’ll tell you how to improve it and also hand out advice as to where to look for more jobs and where to apply to.

I got my most recent job believe it or not through facebook…you’ll find jobs in the most random places so keep looking and keep trying and hopefully we’ll run into some luck in 2009!