Research Methods Readings

Research Methodology Reading

Here’s a list of simple, straightforward research methods readings that you may find helpful when conducting your fieldwork

Research Ethics in the Social Sciences

Bryman (2008). Social research methods (3rd ed.) Chapter 24

Ritchie and Lewis, Qualitative Research in Practice  (2003) Chapter 3, pp 66-71

ESRC (2005) Research ethics Framework (Swindon: Economic and Social Research Council), available online at

Gregory, I (2003) Ethics and Research. Contiuum International.

Helgeland, Ingeborg Marie (2005) ‘Catch 22’ of Research Ethics : Ethical dilemmas in follow up groups of Marginal Groups. Qualitative Inquiry, 11:4, pp.549-569


Archival Research

Bryman, A ( 2008). Social research methods (3rd ed.) Chapters 10, 18

Chapman, Richard A. and Hunt, M (eds.) Open Government, 1987 (especially chapters 6 and 7)

Chapman, Richard A. ‘Learning about oneself from the Public Records’ in Public Policy and Administration, Vol. 19 Number 3 pp 1-13



Bryman (2008). Social research methods (3rd ed.) Chapters 5-7, Chapter 15

Ritchie and Lewis, Qualitative Research in Practice  (2003) Chapter 6

Roulston, Kathryn et al. 2003. Learning to Interview in the Social Sciences. Qualitative Inquiry 9:4, pp. 643-668

Mason, J (2002, 2nd Ed) Qualitative Researching, London: Sage

Also watch Graham Gibbs’ excellent video ‘How to do a research interview’ on YouTube


Participant Observation / ethnography

Bryman, (2008). Social research methods (3rd ed.) Chapter 14

Geertz, C (1993) Deep Play: Notes on a Balinese Cockfight. In Geertz The Interpreter of Cultures. London: Basic Books

Bourque, N (1998) ‘Doing anthropology in your own backyard: The experience of doing fieldwork amongst converts to Islam in Glasgow’ Anthropology in Action 4:3

Murray, S (2003) A Spy, a Shill, a Go-Between, or a Sociologist: Unveiling the ‘Observer’ in Participant Observer. Qualitative Research, 3:3



Andres, L. (2012) Designing and doing survey research. London : SAGE

Bryman, (2008). Social research methods (3rd ed.) Chapter 9 and 10