Interactive Bibliography

Below is a list of sources that you might find useful as starting points for your own research on Newcastle Upon Tyne.

The interactive bibliography is intended to be ever evolving and expanding, so watch out for new entries and updates. We would welcome new entry suggestions, so please send references to us via email and we’ll happily add them to the list.

We have given a (*) by the name of authors who work at Newcastle University, and so might agree to further conversation with you about their work.

Memories, Experiences, Social Histories

Archives for Tyne & Wear (twitter link), covering Newcastle, Gateshead, N Tyneside, S Tyneside & Sunderland.   Images and Videos.

Memories, Social Histories, NUFC

A site dedicated to memories of supporting Newcastle United (twitter link) which has been going for over 57 years. Please share your memories, photographs and memorabilia #NUFC

Heritage, Environment, Sound

Tyneside Sounds Society (twitter link) (soundcloud link) – network & public programme dedicated to the recording and interpretation of the aural environment and sound heritage of Tyneside.

NUFC, Everydayness, Memories, Experiences

Hannen, Mark (1994) ‘Geordie Passion, A lifetime love of NUFC‘, Essex:The Publishing Corporation — this is a personal diary of the author’s experiences following NUFC — this might make a good writing style for part of your assessment?

NUFC, Pride, Experiences, Opinions

Various authors, (2016) The Popular Side — an NUFC fanzine — particularly interesting is the article on ‘Hope’, by Matt Charlton

Personal, Experiences, Post-industrialisation

A BBC ’40 Minutes’ documentary called ‘Elvis in Jarrow’, which documents the club act Jarrow Elvis in post-industrial Tyneside. Quite a sad, but compelling, watch!

Childhood, Literature

*Dalrymple, N, North-East Childhoods: Regional Identity in Children’s Novels of the North East of England, Newcastle University, 2012 (PDF) (Thesis)

Literature, Popular Culture

Beal, Joan (2000) ‘From Geordie Ridley to Viz: popular literature in Tyneside English’, Language and Literature, 9/4, pp.343-359

Roots, Origins, Regionalism

Fraser, C.M. and K. Emsley (1973) ‘The topography of Tyneside‘ in ‘Tyneside’, Newton Abbot: David & Charles, pp. 9-16 — this book chapter discusses the origins of the term ‘Geordie’, as well as some of the geography of Tyneside.

Roots, Regionalism, Identity

Colls, Robert and Bill Lancaster (1992) ‘Preface‘, in ‘Geordies: Roots of Regionalism’, Newcastle: Northumbria University Press, pp. xi-xvii — this preface talks about the term Geordie, and the ideas of identity in Newcastle.

Accent, Dialect

Beal, Joan and Lourdes Burbano-Elizondo (2012) ‘‘All the Lads and Lasses’:lexical variation in Tyne and Wear‘, English Today, 28/4, pp.10-22

Watt, Dominic (2002) ‘I don’t speak with a Geordie accent,I speak, like, the Northern accent’:Contact-induced levelling in the Tyneside vowel systemJournal of Sociolinguistics, 6/1, pp.44-63

Youth, Protest, Politics 

Charlton, John (2009) ‘The Fifty Nine’, in ‘Don’t you hear the H Bomb’s Thunder? Youth and Politics in Tyneside’, Pontypool: Merlin Press, pp.107-115 — this part of a book chapter discusses left-wing politics in Tyneside in the 1960s

Youth, Planning, Urban Culture, Pastimes

Adam Jenson , Jon Swords & Michael Jeffries (2012) The Accidental Youth
Club: Skateboarding in Newcastle-Gateshead, Journal of Urban Design, 17:3, 371-388,

Youth, Cultural Identity, Ethnic Identity, British Chinese

*Tan, A, British Chinese Youth Transitions: Cultural Identity and Youth Formations in Newcastle Upon Tyne, Newcastle University, May 2013 (Thesis)

Family, Gender, Identity, British Polish, Everydayness

*Clements, R, The Life Transitions of Polish Migrant Parents in the North East of England, Newcastle University, March 2014 (Thesis)

Class, Youth,  Music

Rimmer, Mark (2010) ‘Listening to the monkey: Class, youth and the formation of a musical habitus‘, Ethnography, 11/2, pp.255-283 — this academic article talks about music and the Byker wall. It also uses ‘ethnographic writing’, which you might want to include in your assessments.

Class, Masculinity, Subculture

*Nayak, Anoop (2003) ‘Last of the `Real Geordies’? White masculinities and the subcultural response to deindustrialisation’, Environment and Planning, 21, pp.7-25

Everydayness, Post Industrialisation, Deprivation, Class, Gender

*Taylor, Y, Fitting into Place? Farnham: Ashgate, 2012

Politics, Regionalism, Identity

*Niven, Alex (2012) ‘Folk Opposition’, Winchester:Zero Books — this book discusses contemporary British politics and identity. Particularly interesting for this class are chapter One on Raoul Moat and David Cameron, Chapter Three on North/South divides, and chapter four on NUFC

Cultural identity, psycho geographic identity

Living North magazine article (link), Dec 2014 about the book Akenside Syndrome: Scratching the Surface of Geordie Identity by Joe Sharkey

Place, Identity, Performance

*Astley, Tom (2017) ‘Three moments of (mis)placed identity performance’, Popular Music, 36/2, pp.302-307

Belonging, Everydayness, Civic Identity

*Alexander, Catherine (2008) ‘Safety, Fear and Belonging: The Everyday Realities of Civic Identity Formation in Fenham, Newcastle upon Tyne’, Acme Editorial Collective, 7/2, pp. 173-198

Public Places, Urban Planning, Post Industrialisation, Regeneration

Akkar, M, The changing ‘publicness’ of contemporary public spaces: a case study of the Grey’s Monument Area, Newcastle upon Tyne, Urban Design, International (2005) 10, 95–113

Place Making, Icons, Placed Identity

Warnaby, Gary and Dominic Medway (2008) ‘Bridges, Place Representation and Place Creation‘, Area 40/4, pp. 510-19 — this academic article talks about the importance of bridges in the identity of place. The article discusses NewcastleGateshead on pages 513-514.

Physicality, Location, Landmarks, Icons

Newman, Steve and Graeme Peacock (2005) ‘Newcastle Upon Tyne’, Cramlington: Sanderson Books, pp. 84-94 — some information (and pictures) of Newcastle landmarks

Industries, Post-industrialisation, Economy

Robinson, Fred (1988) ‘The Rise and Fall of the Tyneside Economy‘, in Robinson, Fred (ed.) ‘Post-Industrial Tyneside’, Newcastle: Newcastle upon Tyne City Libraries and Arts, pp.12-19 — a history of the industries on the Tyne

Gentrification, Housing, Population, Regeneration

Cameron, Stuart (2003) ‘Gentrification, Housing Redifferentiation and Urban Regeneration: ‘Going for Growth’ in Newcastle upon Tyne’, Urban Studies, 40/12, pp.2367-2382

Housing, Re-Urbanisation, Urban Governance

Barke, M and Clarke, J, Residential growth in Newcastle upon Tyne’s city centre: the role of the public and private sectors, Policy and Practice, The Built Environment (2016) 31:141–166

Regeneration, Place Making, Gentrification

Cullen, F and Lovie, D, Newcastle’s Grainger Town, An Urban Renaissance, Historic England Report, Informed Conservation Series, Dec 2003

Urban Planning, Place Making, Regeneration, Urban Governance

*Madanipour, A, Newcastle upon Tyne, In search of a post-industrial direction, chapter in Urban Design and the British Urban Renaissance, edited by John Punter, Taylor and Francis, 2010

Economy, Place Making, Urban Governance

Shaw, R, ‘Alive after five’: Constructing the Neoliberal night in Newcastle upon Tyne, Special issue article: Geographies of the urban night, Urban Studies, 52(3) 456–470, February 2015

Landmarks, Icons, Heritage, Conservation

A video of The Angel of the North getting a makeover!

Health, Population

A 2013 public health document, giving health and population statistics for Newcastle upon Tyne