PPIE and research methods

A brief guide to patient and public involvement and qualitative methods within health and social care research

This guide describes how patient and public involvement (PPI) and qualitative research methods (methods that gather data on things like people’s opinions, experiences, knowledge and beliefs rather than focusing on numbers) can support the development of health and social care grant applications. It outlines some key differences between a qualitative focus group and a PPI workshop. It was developed by Jo Welsman, Rohini Terry and Helen Burchmore (RDS South West) on behalf of the NIHR Research Design Service (RDS).

What is statistical methodology research and why is PPIE input important?

This animation introduces what statistical methodology research is in an accessible way. It also describes why patient and public involvement and engagement (PPIE) is important to this type of research and how public contributors can help. It was developed by statistical methodologists and public contributors at the University of Leicester, and a visual storytelling agency (Nifty Fox Creative).

Involving People: A learning resource for systematic review authors

Involving People is a free online resource to support public involvement in systematic reviews. It is a ‘one-stop-shop’ to find out best practice and practical suggestions for involving people throughout the review process; including useful resources, guidance documents, interviews about first hand experiences, and links to case studies and examples of good practice. You will need to create a free Cochrane account to access this resource. It was developed by Cochrane and the ACTIVE project.