PHi3001 Rousseau

Below you will find an extract from the Social Contract. This is a must-read text for anyone. It is as problematic as it is inspiring and contains the very famous phrase “compelled to be free”. At its heart is the positive conception of liberty which we looked at briefly this week.

Form small groups (pot names on a list in the post so I know who you all are!) and respond to the questions below and reflectively discuss your answers. Agree on possible informative paragraph that sums up your ideas and worries and then post it here under the comments.

1. What does it mean to say force is concerned with necessity and right with will?
2. Why can’t ‘force is right’ be a meaningful or useful statement?
3. Why are all rights merely conventions?
4. Why do we consent to conventions?
5. What would authentic consent amount to?
6. Why is renouncing liberty identical to renouncing my humanity according to Rousseau? Is he right?
7. Is legitimate power possible given the final sentence of the extract?

Here is the extract from Rousseau’s Social Contract Book 1:

3. The Right of the Strongest
THE strongest is never strong enough to be always the master, unless he transforms strength into right, and obedience into duty. Hence the right of the strongest, which, though to all seeming meant ironically, is really laid down as a fundamental principle. But are we never to have an explanation of this phrase? Force is a physical power, and I fail to see what moral effect it can have. To yield to force is an act of necessity, not of will — at the most, an act of prudence. In what sense can it be a duty?
Suppose for a moment that this so-called “right” exists. I maintain that the sole result is a mass of inexplicable nonsense. For, if force creates right, the effect changes with the cause: every force that is greater than the first succeeds to its right. As soon as it is possible to disobey with impunity, disobedience is legitimate; and, the strongest being always in the right, the only thing that matters is to act so as to become the strongest. But what kind of right is that which perishes when force fails? If we must obey perforce, there is no need to obey because we ought; and if we are not forced to obey, we are under no obligation to do so. Clearly, the word “right” adds nothing to force: in this connection, it means absolutely nothing.
Obey the powers that be. If this means yield to force, it is a good precept, but superfluous: I can answer for its never being violated. All power comes from God, I admit; but so does all sickness: does that mean that we are forbidden to call in the doctor? A brigand surprises me at the edge of a wood: must I not merely surrender my purse on compulsion; but, even if I could withhold it, am I in conscience bound to give it up? For certainly the pistol he holds is also a power.
Let us then admit that force does not create right, and that we are obliged to obey only legitimate powers. In that case, my original question recurs.
4. Slavery
SINCE no man has a natural authority over his fellow, and force creates no right, we must conclude that conventions form the basis of all legitimate authority among men.
If an individual, says Grotius, can alienate his liberty and make himself the slave of a master, why could not a whole people do the same and make itself subject to a king? There are in this passage plenty of ambiguous words which would need explaining; but let us confine ourselves to the word alienate. To alienate is to give or to sell. Now, a man who becomes the slave of another does not give himself; he sells himself, at the least for his subsistence: but for what does a people sell itself? A king is so far from furnishing his subjects with their subsistence that he gets his own only from them; and, according to Rabelais, kings do not live on nothing. Do subjects then give their persons on condition that the king takes their goods also? I fail to see what they have left to
It will be said that the despot assures his subjects civil tranquillity. Granted; but what do they gain, if the wars his ambition brings down upon them, his insatiable avidity, and the vexations conduct of his ministers press harder on them than their own dissensions would have done? What do they gain, if the very tranquillity they enjoy is one of their miseries? Tranquillity is found also in dungeons; but is that enough to make them desirable places to live in? The Greeks imprisoned in the cave of the Cyclops lived there very tranquilly, while they were awaiting their turn to be devoured. To say that a man gives himself gratuitously, is to say what is absurd and inconceivable; such an act is null and illegitimate, from the mere fact that he who does it is out of his mind. To say the same of a whole people is to suppose a people of madmen; and madness creates no right.
Even if each man could alienate himself, he could not alienate his children: they are born men and free; their liberty belongs to them, and no one but they has the right to dispose of it. Before they come to years of discretion, the father can, in their name, lay down conditions for their preservation and well-being, but he cannot give them irrevocably and without conditions: such a gift is contrary to the ends of nature, and exceeds the rights of paternity. It would therefore be necessary, in order to legitimise an arbitrary government, that in every generation the people should be in a position to accept or reject it; but, were this so, the government would be no longer arbitrary.
To renounce liberty is to renounce being a man, to surrender the rights of humanity and even its duties. For him who renounces everything no indemnity is possible. Such a renunciation is incompatible with man’s nature; to remove all liberty from his will is to remove all morality from his acts. Finally, it is an empty and contradictory convention that sets up, on the one side, absolute authority, and, on the other, unlimited obedience. Is it not clear that we can be under no obligation to a person from whom we have the right to exact everything? Does not this condition alone, in the absence of equivalence or exchange, in itself involve the nullity of the act? For what right can my slave have against me, when all that he has belongs to me, and, his right being mine, this right of mine against myself is a phrase devoid of meaning?
Grotius and the rest find in war another origin for the so-called right of slavery. The victor having, as they hold, the right of killing the vanquished, the latter can buy back his life at the price of his liberty; and this convention is the more legitimate because it is to the advantage of both parties. But it is clear that this supposed right to kill the conquered is by no means deducible from the state of war. Men, from the mere fact that, while they are living in their primitive independence, they have no mutual relations stable enough to constitute either the state of peace or the state of war, cannot be naturally enemies. War is constituted by a relation between things, and not between persons; and, as the state of war cannot arise out of simple personal relations, but only out of real relations, private war, or war of man with man, can exist neither in the state of nature, where there is no constant property, nor in the social state, where everything is under the authority of the laws.
Individual combats, duels and encounters, are acts which cannot constitute a state; while the private wars, authorised by the Establishments of Louis IX, King of France, and suspended by the Peace of God, are abuses of feudalism, in itself an absurd system if ever there was one, and contrary to the principles of natural right and to all good polity.
War then is a relation, not between man and man, but between State and State, and individuals are enemies only accidentally, not as men, nor even as citizens,[3] but as soldiers; not as members of their country, but as its defenders. Finally, each State can have for enemies only other States, and not men; for between things disparate in nature there can be no real relation.
Furthermore, this principle is in conformity with the established rules of all times and the constant practice of all civilised peoples. Declarations of war are intimations less to powers than to their subjects. The foreigner, whether king, individual, or people, who robs, kills or detains the subjects, without declaring war on the prince, is not an enemy, but a brigand. Even in real war, a ust prince, while laying hands, in the enemy’s country, on all that
belongs to the public, respects the lives and goods of individuals: he respects rights on which his own are founded.
The object of the war being the destruction of the hostile State, the other side has a right to kill its defenders, while they are bearing arms; but as soon as they lay them down and surrender, they cease to be enemies or instruments of the enemy, and become once more merely men, whose life no one has any right to take. Sometimes it is possible to kill the State without killing a single one of its members; and war gives no right which is not necessary to the gaining of its object. These principles are not those of Grotius: they are not based on the authority of poets, but derived from the nature of reality and based on reason.
The right of conquest has no foundation of the or than the right of the strongest. If war does not give the conqueror the right to massacre the conquered peoples, the right to enslave them cannot be based upon a right which does not exist. No one has a right to kill an enemy except when he cannot make him a slave, and the right to enslave him cannot therefore be derived from the right to kill him. It is accordingly an unfair exchange to make him buy at the price of his liberty his life, over which the victor holds no right. Is it not clear that there is a vicious circle in founding the right of life and death on the right of slavery, and the right of slavery on the right of life and death?
Even if we assume this terrible right to kill everybody, I maintain that a slave made in war, or a conquered people, is under no obligation to a master, except to obey him as far as he is compelled to do so. By taking an equivalent for his life, the victor has not done him a favour; instead of killing him without profit, he has killed him usefully. So far then is he from acquiring over him any authority in addition to that of force, that the state of war continues to subsist between them: their mutual relation is the effect of it, and the usage of the right of war does not imply a treaty of peace. A convention has indeed been made; but this convention, so far from destroying the state of war, presupposes its continuance.
So, from whatever aspect we regard the question, the right of slavery is null and void, not only as being illegitimate, but also because it is absurd and meaningless. The words slave and right contradict each other, and are mutually exclusive. It will always be equally foolish for a man to say to a man or to a people: “I make with you a convention wholly at your expense and wholly to my advantage; I shall keep it as long as I like, and you will keep it as long as I like.”

3 thoughts on “PHi3001 Rousseau”

  1. 1) I believe it means to say… that in regards to force and right, it is not right to force someone into something they do not want to do. Probably wrong. I’m not to sure.

    2) Rousseau sums this up in the final paragraph. It is meaningless because it is absurd and contradicts. I agree.

    3) To be a true right, since men have no legitimate natural authority over any other man, a right is merely a convention as it accepted agreement between all men involved.

    4) We consent to conventions as they are usually mutually beneficial in some way for each party. By entering into a convention of right man is agreeing to hold up his end of the deal in return for the fellow man he is making such a deal with to also keep up his end of the deal. This can help man in many ways, from a small scale to having a kitchen cleaning rota, to large scale agreements between nations e.g. the UN.

    5) Authentic consent amounts to people choosing the laws which they are governed by..?

    6) Because then man is putting himself into a position where another man could take control over him which could then have negative effects for the original man. It is letting go of ones rights on how you wish to be treated humanely if you dismiss liberty as frivolous.

    7) Yes, the final sentence of the extract is implying a slave mentality. One which in our particular day and age has no place since men have developed a sense of right over themselves which protects from this. Power works differently now.


  2. Good, if succinct, answers. Number 7 is where the action is: why would modern day conventions be a form of slavery and why would other conventions not? The answer has to do with liberty and equality for Rousseau, in the golden age of the state of nature, human beings were independent. There liberty and equality was a function of. interdependence and we need a type of society tat makes us independent, free and equal but not in the same way we were in the state of nature. His answer is a very odd form of democracy. Why is this the answer?

  3. 1) Rousseau mentions how force is connected to necessity… but I am not sure what you are asking by this question…

    2) Rousseau states at the end of the first paragraph; ‘Clearly, the word “right” adds nothing to force: in this connection, it means absolutely nothing’
    In this section I believe Rousseau is linking the statement ‘force is right’ to his bigger argument, in that if you are forced to do something it cannot be right, because if you are forced to surrender your freedom – it makes the contract you are being forced into void and therefore it is meaningless.

    3) Rights are merely conventions as this is what all humans expect a legitimate authority to adhere to? This idea links back to the idea discussed in the lecture yesterday of Rawl’s primary social goods. These primary social goods; liberty, equality of opportunity, self-respect etc… can arguably be seen as rights that no matter what our personal interests are, we expect an authority such as the state to keep and adhere to.

    4) We consent to certain conventions as it provides a sort of standard of which we expect authorities to keep to.

    5) I agree with Sophie in that authentic consent would amount to people having a say in the laws by which they follow under an authority.

    6) I think Rousseau is right in that renouncing liberty is identical to renouncing humanity – as I believe that Rousseau thinks our freedom and humanity are linked to our ability to make choices, and if a state or monarch has absolute power over us then surely we lose both our sense of freedom and humanity, thus rending us as slaves.

    7) I do think legitimate authority is possible… so long as this authority does not possess absolute power over its people, and certain rights are agreed to be kept to by this authority, such as Rawl’s primary social goods.

    Again, I agree with Sophie that Rousseau’s last sentence of the extract isn’t directly relating to the power structures that we have in place today, thus legitimate authority is possible.


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