Free music…

Well, not really, but just some videos.


Since in stage 3 we are talking about resistance and political action, and I have listed four forms of resistance (critique, civil disobedience, terrorism and revolution),  it may be worth remembering that art is often a form of counter-culture and resistance. Music and especially folk music (music passed from one generation to the next that defines a community in Locke’s sense of the legitimate authority) very much creates a group identity as an “us” against “them” and, because it is, unlike intellectual output, seen as an element of popular culture, if often misinterpreted, and appropriated by those whom it criticizes. Think of Flower of Scotland sang before the Queen/Princes at the Six Nations, a popular song which becomes a political statement. Some examples include Bob Dylan’s Masters of War, Pete Seeger’s Which Side Are You On? and Ani Difranco’s contemporary update of the same song.



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