Problems with utilitarianism: the case of chemical weapons tetsing

Utilitarianism holds a very powerful sway over our contemporary practical reason, whether we like it or not we tend to think in terms of welfare and cost-benefit analysis at the level of policy and law, if not at the level of individual actions. Given recent use of chemical weapons, Continue reading "Problems with utilitarianism: the case of chemical weapons tetsing"

PHi3001 Social Mobility, John Rawls, Sandel

The Guardian began an article from last week in this way:


David Cameron has conceded that there was insufficient social mobility in British society and said it was the job of the government to raise the aspirations of people from poor backgrounds to get top jobs in public life.


Cameron is responding to the criticisms of an ex-PM, John Major, Continue reading "PHi3001 Social Mobility, John Rawls, Sandel"

Sarin, chemical weapons and utilitarianism

An interesting history of the development of Sarin and other chemical weapons in The Guardian yesterday which shows the relationships between technology, war and production quite starkly. You can read it here: It may be useful information for  any of you thinking about doing projects in this area. Continue reading "Sarin, chemical weapons and utilitarianism"