Have Your Say – Ridley 2 Student Consultation Drop-ins

Estates & Facilities will be carrying out refurbishments to Ridley 2 Level 1 over the summer period of 2022 to provide updated Teaching & Learning rooms and new supporting breakout and study space.

Find our Estate Planning Team in Ridley 2 L1 from Monday 13th – Friday 17th December at the below times to give us your thoughts and suggestions of how we can improve these spaces:

Monday 13th December: 12:00-13:00
Tuesday 14th December: 14:00-15:00

Wednesday 15th December: 10:30-12:30
Thursday 16th December: 11:00-13:00
Friday 17th December: 12:00-13:30

You can also give us your feedback by following the links below to our Student & Staff Surveys on Ridley 2 and Baddiley-Clark 1.65.

Student Survey – Ridley 2

Staff Survey – Ridley 2

Have Your Say – Ridley 2 Teaching Rooms & Baddiley-Clark 1.65 Refurbishments Consultation

The suite of Ridley 2 Level 1 teaching rooms will be refurbished over the 2022 summer period ready for teaching in September for the new academic year 2022/23. Baddiley-Clark 1.65 will also be refurbished and reinstated as a common user flat-floor teaching space.

If you are taught or teach in these spaces, you can get involved with these projects by giving us your invaluable feedback via the links below:

Student Survey – Ridley 2 & Baddiley-Clark 1.65

Staff Survey – Ridley 2 & Baddiley-Clark 1.65

30/11/21 – We’re back!

After a pause in projects due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Estates & Facilities are back on track with our Teaching & Learning Refurbishments for the academic year 2021/22. Keep checking this page for opportunities to have your say, information about upcoming projects and progress updates.