Review: Dragon Naturally Speaking Dictating Software


Dragon is an intelligent, accurate speech-recognition software. It is available on both Windows computers and Macs, however the Mac version is not as tried-and-tested as the Windows version so is a little less easy to use, but it is soon catching up with every new update.

During setup Dragon teaches itself to recognise your voice so that you can dictate as your computer types directly into most common applications such as Microsoft Office and Notepad. It also responds to a multitude of different commands so that you can use it to navigate around your computer, such as different browsers when researching. If Dragon doesn’t recognise what you are asking it to do you can “teach” it so that it understands for next time, even for spelling.


Dragon is ideal for many different scenarios, and there are a range of options to choose from to find the one most suitable for you. Dragon Naturally Speaking Home is the most basic, appropriate for simple small tasks to just make navigation at home flow more easily, and Dragon Professional Individual is the most capable and accurate, perfect for professionals needing to dictate effortlessly.

I also feel it is a great tool for learning, if you are someone whose learning type benefits from speaking out loud to help memorise information but also reading the information as it is written. It allows your brain to connect both the written words to the sound of those words. It makes writing essays a piece of cake and it is very easy to command Dragon to correct any mistakes made, and well as easily put in any punctuation and grammar.

Ease of Use

Dragon is a generally easy, user-friendly piece of software that works with you as you work. It takes time to get used to and there are lots of commands to remember and apply but there’s always the option so ask to see all your available commands. The set up doesn’t take long, only about 20 mins and a lot of this is so Dragon can get to know your voice. The text you read out to do this, also gives you lots of helpful tips and general advice on how to use Dragon as advantageously as possible. AS Dragon is a learning software so to speak it only improves over time, as it adapts to you.

Within set-up you also specify not just the language you speak but also your accent with that language. For instance, for English-speaking British users, the options of Australian-, Indian- and Southeast Asian-English as well as your standard British-English.

Dragon has been rated as the top voice recognition software by many review websites, such as This is also the link to their very informative review of Dragon, and shows that Dragon takes spaces 1, 2, 3 and 4 in their ranking for Top Ten Voice Recognition Software with all their slightly different versions of the software.

All in all Dragon in an immensely useful tool for anyone who uses a computer for a large proportion of their life, and once they are settled and know the ins and outs its really enjoyable to use.