
Hello! I’m Emma Meredith, and I’ve been studying Civil Engineering at Newcastle University for (all of) 3 months now. Prior to this, I studied A-Levels in Physics, Maths, Art and English Literature.

When it came to deciding what I wanted to do post-alevels, I wanted to go on to study Architecture and had known this was what I was really keen on doing since my early teens. However, after having actually looked more into what Architecture entails and seeing countless Architecture studios on University open days, I realised that I would need to be a lot more capable of abstract art than I am. So, after an inspirational chat with with a Structural Engineer professor, I changed my course to Structural Engineering instead. I really didn’t like how an Architect didn’t ever learn and understand about the mechanics of the building they were designing, and with Structural Engineering I would learn all about the physics and mechanics of structures but still hold onto the design side.

I am aiming to study Civil and Structural Engineering at a Masters level, and then post-uni become a chartered engineer. The big dream is to eventually have my own construction company/architects practice – I think such a close collaboration of the two specialities would create the ultimate homes, which would be what I would love to be working on.

I would also love to spend a year of my degree studying at a University abroad; I love travelling and experiencing new countries and so that would be something I would love to incorporate in my career, perhaps taking on projects based all around the world.

Nevertheless I do want a family when I’ve completed Uni and become chartered and so I feel like a have a hectic life ahead of me, but I’ve never been one to take the easy road.