We ended the first phase of our design project by holding the first Fenham Parliament, a chance for residents to come and join, enjoy food and activities together and ultimately participate in a discussion about the future of the area.
The event was held at the Fenham Pocket Park on the 14th May, 12pm-2pm., and we were exploring the different possibilities in creating a brighter and greener Fenham. We focused on three themes:
- Heritage and creative reuse: Focusing on Fenham Pool and thinking about grassroots initiatives
- Social economy: thinking about local business and also sharing practices (cooking and growing) and non-monetary exchanges
- Climate Futures: Considering low carbon transport and nature based solutions, looking at how we can contribute to greening and decarbonising Fenham.
We filmed and made a short ‘trailer’ for the day, which you can watch here:
We advertised the event using the poster below, which we distributed around the area by hand and also shared on the Fenham Pocket page instagram. We also got in touch with around thirty individuals working on projects in the area or on research related to our themes – a number attended the day but we also got six short interviews with people who couldn’t come along.
We’re currently collating a book to work as an account of the project overall but also be used as a guide moving forwards into Fenham Parliament 2.
You can read an account of the day by Luke Leung (MA Urban Design), who attended on the day and wrote up his experiences for the NCL Urban Design blog – along with some lovely photos!