A good intervention should benefit the environment and the well-being of the residents and Decarbonising Fenham is exactly that. The intervention aims to provide a space, a sanctuary for children, teenagers and the vulnerable to freely express their opinions, dreams, desires and changes they want to see in Fenham for a greater future, while being engulfed in an abundance of greenery. “The Gateway of Dreams” is a series of wooden archways covered in vegetation located between the library and the pool that would allow residents of Fenham to tie up colourful notes of their dreams and goals. In time it will transform into a vibrant hallway of collective aspirations. We aim to transform the unused swimming pool into an indoor oasis of colourful trees and plants where communities of Fenham can freely grow and manage the vegetation within. We aim in creating their own paradise, their moment of peace from daily struggles.
But to truly decarbonise the area, the project intends to plant a series of evergreen trees along the Fenham hall drive and beyond. Developing routes across Fenham. Each route having a unique colour theme and species of trees that would aureate the area while subtly decarbonising it as well.