Words cannot express how amazing it was to see these students, whom I felt I knew so well from the shoulders up. The sensory overload of seeing the whole of each person in their full 3-dimensional selves was strangely overwhelming.
We had a day at Walltown quarry yesterday, enjoying the Whin and other calcareous grassland, and today at Middleham quarry for magnesian limestone. I just realised I never took any pictures of the beautiful, species rich grassland – too busy capturing the people and their enthusiasm for the learning and delight at being out in the sun (and rain) and immersing themselves in plants and soil.
Thanks to Gill at the National Park and for the people at Natural England and Tarmac for access onto the sites. To the students for being so engaged, so good at working with each other and so quick to pick up the new techniques. And mostly to Dr Janet Simkin who has worked phenomenally to ensure that, despite numerous changes to arrangements caused by the you-know-what-C-word, the students have had a rich, valuable and fun experience … more to come