Conference on Didactic Literature

A Swabian lecturer in the 15th centuryInstruction in and through Literature. Studies in the Didactic Dimension of Medieval German Literature
15-17 April 2009
School of Modern Languages
Newcastle University

Conference organised by Prof. Henrike Laehnemann (Newcastle University), Prof. Christoph Huber and Dr. Sandra Linden (Universitaet Tuebingen)

Conference Venue: Old Library Building, Beehive 2.22, GB-NE1 7RU Newcastle

All welcome! To register, please email Henrike Laehnemann

50 years of German Studies at Newcastle

Exciting times ahead for German Studies at Newcastle: a three day programme of events will take place mid-May. Knight from the Triumph of Maximilian, upholding German Studies
German Language Teaching at Newcastle has existed since the foundation of the first academic institutions in Newcastle in the 19th century. Today, the section is part of the School of Modern Languages. In 1959, the Chair of German Studies in Newcastle was instituted. 2009 sees 50 years of German Studies as an academic subject at Newcastle University. More than 90 professors, lecturers and lektors worked in German Studies over the year.

Wednesday, 13 May 2009 in the Sage Gateshead
2-5pm Event with the German Consul General Wolfgang Moessinger (Edinburgh)
6:30pm Pre-concert talk with Thomas Zehetmair (Music Director Northern Sinfonia)
7:30pm Concert to include Mendelssohn ‘Sommernachtstraum’

Thursday, 14 May 2009 in the Old Library Building
3:30pm Guided tour through the exhibition in the OAC by Dr Beate Mueller
5pm Public Lecture by Prof. Frank Finlay (Leeds University, Alumnus of Newcastle)
7pm Dinner in the Courtyard

Friday, 15 May 2009 in the Hatton Gallery
2-5pm Workshop ‘Dada in Action’ in front of the Merz Barn
7pm Reception and Reading: Dr. Angelika Overath who worked twice as Writer in Residence with students from Newcastle, will give the first public reading from her new novel ‘Flughafenfische’ on 15 May 2009. Take a look at the preview of a chapter, write a comment and receive a free copy of the book!

To keep informed about the final programme, write to