Statement Prof. Dr. Markus Stock (University of Toronto)

I am writing to express my deep concern and shock about your recently announced plans. I would like to point out that Bristol University’s reputation will suffer immensely if it continues to dismantle Medieval and Early Modern German Studies. Dr Anne Simon, whom I understand you plan to make redundant, is one of the finest and most respected scholars of Medieval and Early Modern German literature and culture in Britain and internationally. Dr Simon’s stellar research has not only informed but in fact shaped research areas in the field early modern German travel literature and city culture. It seems short-sighted that the administration deems that it is in the best interest of the German Department to divest it of its mediaeval/early-modern component. In fact, Bristol has had an excellent reputation for its interdisciplinary medievalist scholarship, of which Dr Simon was an integral part. I appreciate the fiscal stress your institution experiences, but it seems not to be in its best interest to jeopardize its fine international reputation as a bastion of liberal arts by the measures you propose. I urge you to reconsider.

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