Prof. Dr. John Greenfield (Universidade de Porto)

Over the weekend I received copies of a large number of messages from colleagues in a number of countries which have been sent to you because of your decision to discontinue Medieval and Early Modern Studies as a part of the Degree Course in German at Bristol University and, as a consequence, to dismiss Dr Anne Simon. As Professor of Medieval German Studies at the University of Porto (a long-standing cooperation partner of the University of Bristol), Head of the German Department and Coordinator of the Erasmus Mundus Master Course, German Literature of the European Middle Ages, I too feel that I should express my disagreement regarding your decision.
As you are aware, Medieval / Early Modern German is a vital part of German Studies and has, in Bristol, under the stewardship of Professor Frank Shaw (now in retirement) and of Dr Anne Simon, made important contributions to scholarship, having deservedly achieved a very high standing on the international stage. The loss of this sector at the University of Bristol would doubtless do irreparable harm to German Studies in Britain and to Medieval Studies in Bristol.
I fully understand the financial constraints under which British Universities are now operating and the threats which hang over them; it is also clear that, within the context of generalised cutbacks, you are in the unenviable position of having to make important decisions on the future of whole areas of study. But from the standpoint of the long-term strategy for German Studies in Bristol, I believe that the decision to close such a dynamic sector in the department cannot but be viewed as short-sighted; I am therefore writing to you to ask you respectfully to reconsider.

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