A comprehensive and constantly updated bibliography on all topics related to Judith Studies can be found on The New York Public Library Website for the Sword of Judith Project. It is divided into the sections
* Judith in Drama (http://workshops.nypl.org/judith/bib/files/Drama.xls)
* Judith in Fiction (http://workshops.nypl.org/judith/bib/files/fiction.xls)
* Judith in Musical Works (http://workshops.nypl.org/judith/bib/files/musicalworks.xls)
* Judith in Poetry (http://workshops.nypl.org/judith/bib/files/poetry.xls)
* Judith Sound Recordings
* Early Judith Works (to 1800) (http://workshops.nypl.org/judith/bib/files/earlyworks.xls)
* Judith Secondary Literature (http://workshops.nypl.org/judith/bib/files/secondary.xls)
The NYPL Bibliographies are in excel format, assembled by the Dorot Jewish Division.