Judith Bibliographies

A comprehensive and constantly updated bibliography on all topics related to Judith Studies can be found on The New York Public Library Website for the Sword of Judith Project. It is divided into the sections
* Judith in Drama (http://workshops.nypl.org/judith/bib/files/Drama.xls)
* Judith in Fiction (http://workshops.nypl.org/judith/bib/files/fiction.xls)
* Judith in Musical Works (http://workshops.nypl.org/judith/bib/files/musicalworks.xls)
* Judith in Poetry (http://workshops.nypl.org/judith/bib/files/poetry.xls)
* Judith Sound Recordings
* Early Judith Works (to 1800) (http://workshops.nypl.org/judith/bib/files/earlyworks.xls)
* Judith Secondary Literature (http://workshops.nypl.org/judith/bib/files/secondary.xls)
The NYPL Bibliographies are in excel format, assembled by the Dorot Jewish Division.


New Conference Date Medingen

‘EX MEDINCK’ Medieval Manuscripts from Medingen convent (12-13 October 2007)

The conference starts on Friday, 12 October, with an excursion to Medingen on 13 October. Registration till the 10 October: Hans-Walter Stork, Staats-und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg Carl von Ossietzky, Von-Melle-Park 3, 20146 Hamburg, Tel.: 0049-40-42838-3371, stork@sub.uni-hamburg.de

Friday, 12 October 2007 CONFERENCE
(Conference Room II of the State- und University Library Hamburg)
from 9am Registration
9.30 Gabriele BEGER: Introduction
10.00 Wolfgang BRANDIS: Medingen in the context of the convents on the Lüneburg Heath. A historical introduction
11.00 Hans-Walter STORK: Retro-Paleography? Writing in the Medingen Mss.
12.00 Henrike LÄHNEMANN: Maccaronic text and bilingualism. The Latin-Low German Text Production of the Medingen prayer-books
15.00 Christine PUTZO / Katharina GEORGI: Manuscript-Workshop: The Hamburg prayer-books as a mss-ensemble
17.00 Beate BRAUN-NIEHR: SBPK Berlin Ms. theol. lat. oct. 189 – A Psalter for Medingen
18.00 Andres LAUBINGER: A database for the Medingen manuscripts – Perspectives
19.00 Final Discussion

Saturday, 13. Oktober 2007 EXCURSION to the Protestant Convent of Medingen
(train from Hamburg-Dammtor 9.48, arrival Bad Bevensen 10.45)
11.00 Abbess Monika VON KLEIST: A guided tour through the buildings
12.30 Lunch
14.00 Music from the Medingen Manuscripts in the Church
(Train from Bad Bevensen 17.09, arrival Hamburg Hauptbahnhof 18.01)
Conference Fee
to be payed on the day: 30 Euro (incl. coffee, lunch, handouts, trip to Medingen) / 20 Euro (for Friday)
On both days, there is the opportunity to view the exhibition (open 9am to 9pm); at 9am there will be a short tour by Hans-Walter Stork and Henrike Lähnemann.
The full programme can be downloaded from the website of the Library. Further information on the exhibition. How to get there: Metrobus 4 or 5 to “Staatsbibliothek” resp. S11, S21, S31 and train to “Dammtor”


Medingen exhibition on its way

One of the new Medingen Manuscript from SUB HamburgGAUDEAMUS OMNES! Today, appropriately for the ‘assumptio Mariae’, the announcement for the exhibition of the Medingen manuscripts in Hamburg has gone online. Come along for the opening on 3 September, 7pm, in the Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg, Lecture Theatre. “For the first time, the seven Hamburg Mss. will be on show, together with loans from libraries in Augsburg, Bremen, Gotha, Göttingen, Hannover, Hildesheim, Lüneburg and Wolfenbüttel. A unique opportunity to see a treasure reunited that has been scattered since the Lutheran reformation.”

All welcome!


Call for Papers

Medingen Nun kneeling before St John the EvangelistCall for papers: Symposium ‘Manuscript Production in the Cistercian convent of Medingen’
4 Oktober 2007
Organisation: Prof. Dr. Henrike Lähnemann (Newcastle) und Dr. Hans-Walter Stork (Hamburg)
The Symposion aims to analyse the place of the Medingen manuscripts “between monastic reform and Lutheran reformation”. A special focus will the newly found Hamburg manuscripts (cf. list of the sigla). The intention is to look at the manuscripts in their full cultural setting; possible topics include:

* German studies
How is the literary activity in Medingen to be placed in the conventual reform of the late 15th century? How can the relationship between the Latin and the Middle Low German texts be defined?
* History of devotion/theology
Which texts (liturgical pieces, set prayers, hymns…) were incorporated in the prayer-books? What is the place for the vernacular texts in these collections? Do the texts still hold identificatorial potential for the protestant convent that has been perpetuating the tradition of the nunnery for the last 500 years?
* History of Art/Iconography
What pictorial programme is upheld by the manuscripts? Is there a specific Medingen or regional Lüneburg aspect to the iconography, for example with regard to the patron saints like St Maurice? How can this programme be related to other media like textiles (see above for the Wichmannsburger Antependium) or paintings?
* Music/Hymnology
What was the function of those texts in the Medingen manuscripts which could be sung? What is the status of the musical notatioin? How were the songs used in the spiritual live of the nuns?
* Codicology
How was the manuscript production in the scriptorium organised? What do we know about the book-binding in the convent?
* History of Religious Orders/Liturgy
How do the Medingen Manuscripts fit into the history of Cistercian liturgical development, regarding the text and the notation as well as the music?

The symposion is part of an ongoing exhibition of selected Medingen manuscripts in the State and University Library of Hamburg which takes place from 3 September to 15 October 2007. The conference works as a combination of scholarly papers and workshops with the actual manuscripts which are open to a wider audience of interested participants from the neighbouring convents and towns. A publication of the papers presented is intended.

The conference ends with an excursion on Friday, 5 October. Papers and workshops are planned for Thursday. A special viewing of the exhition will be arranged. Exposés (max. 3000 characters) are accepted before the 15 May 2007. Please send them electronically to both Henrike Lähnemann and Hans-Walter Stork.


Forthcoming: inaugural lecture

Angel playing lute under an extract from the Low German rendering of the AveMaria: 'Grotet sistu' (Be greeted)The School of Modern Languages at Newcastle University
The Inaugural Lecture of Professor Henrike Lähnemann
(Chair of German Studies)

›Playing on the Harp Strings of the Soul‹
Vision and Audition in Medingen Convent

Friday, 11 May 2007, 4:00 p.m.
Research Beehive, Old Library Building, Room 2.22

Followed by a reception in honour of Professor Lähnemann

All welcome!


Cunning Women!

My first presentation in one of the Newcastle SML research seminar will be on a topic I have been working on for the last years, namely the book on Judith, but with a cutting edge to it:

7 December, 5.30pm to 6.30pm (Room Beehive 2.22)

Prof. Henrike Lähnemann (Newcastle University): Pope Joan and ‘Frau Judith’ – cunning women in late medieval mass media.

All welcome!
