Intermediate annual progress review

The purpose of the intermediate reviews is to give an objective and independent view on your progress, and to identify any factors which might lead to a delay in the submission of your thesis.

As with your first APR, the panel will expect you to give a presentation of 10-15 minutes in addition to your written report.

The Graduate School do not expect a written report of the length produced for your first progress review, and recommend the following structure:

  1. A summary of the data you have acquired to date.
  2. Detailed analysis and results from a completed portion of your data, showing statistical methods if appropriate.
  3. A discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of your study to date.
  4. A list indicating what you will need to achieve in order to complete your work. This will probably be accompanied by an updated time plan.
  5. An appendix containing any abstracts, manuscripts or papers you have written or presented.

As projects develop differently, a word limit is of limited value. We expect this report to be about 3–4 pages of text (excluding figures), and not more than 10-15 pages all-told (including figures). Any supplementary materials can be included in an appendix.

If you feel a longer report is necessary, please discuss this with your panel before completion and submission of the document; it is difficult for a panel to read and comment meaningfully on a very long document, and will probably be counter-productive.