Message from the postgraduate team
Apart from your supervisors, people in your research group and/or those directly involved in your project, the names and faces of the ICM PGR Team are probably the ones you’ll come across most often throughout your years as a PGR student in the ICM.
Contact us if you have questions about your studies or if you are facing a problem and don’t know who to get in touch with. Additionally, if you’re going through personal difficulties that might influence your work and which you would like to talk about: we have an open-door policy and can assure you that everything will be kept confidential.
What we’re not
In your postgraduate life, you’ll inevitably come in contact with admissions and the graduate school. These two teams are our close colleagues and play very important parts in postgraduate life, so it’s not always obvious from the outside that we are separate; in what we do, and in where we have our offices. Importantly, we don’t necessarily all have access to the same information about our students.
About admissions
The admissions team are based in King’s Gate, close to Haymarket Metro. They are responsible for admissions to all undergraduate and postgraduate degrees across the entire University, and inevitably it is difficult for them to keep track of several thousands of simultaneous applications.
Postgraduate applications are particularly difficult to manage because the research area doesn’t necessarily inform the admissions team which supervisor, institute or even which faculty you want to study in. If you intend to study in the ICM, we recommend you contact us early and keep in touch. Follow the advice in our summary of the application process.
About the graduate school
The graduate school live in Ridley building, near Queen Victoria Road. They oversee postgraduate studies for the whole of the Faculty of Medicine. The graduate school is the home of the Dean and Associate Dean; they have less day-to-day interaction with students but are responsible for setting policy, and for final sign-off of important milestones for all postgraduate students.
The graduate school have oversight of the whole Faculty and will ensure that the rules of good practice are applied fairly and equitably to all. While the graduate school do in most cases follow the recommendations of progress panels and the Institutes, we don’t make important decisions about a student’s studies without the Dean’s team reviewing them.