Annual progress review timetable

Here are the timings for annual progress reviews for each of the higher degrees we offer.

The first APR is 8-10 months into the degree, or earlier for a 1-year MPhil.

Intermediate APRs follow at approximately yearly intervals. The expectation of the panel will change depending on the stage through the degree.

The final APR is typically 7 months before the end of the minimum candidature. The minimum candidature is the term shown in the first column of the table.

The review APR takes place after 6 months of the writing-up year if required.

Degree First APR Intermediate APRs Final APR Review APR
3y F/T)
8m 20m 29m 42m
6y P/T)
10m 22m, 34m,
46m, 58m
65m 78m
(4y cmb)
8m 20m, 32m 41m 54m
(2y F/T)
8m 17m 30m
(4y P/T)
10m 22m, 34m 41m 54m
(3y cmb)
8m 20m  32m 42m
(1y F/T)
6m  18m
(2y P/T)
10m 17m 30m

F/T: Full-time degree
P/T: Part-time degree
cmb: Combined regulations FT/PT degree