Seminar leader

Role description: In collaboration with schools, the University organises events for pupils during their visits. Postgraduate students are asked to deliver subject taster or study skills sessions for the many recruitment and aspiration-raising events and activities that the University delivers across the year to various age groups, ranging from year 6 to year 13 students (10 to 18 years old). Information about these sessions can be found here:

Training: Students receive an e-mail for recruitment of postgraduate demonstrators and if they express interest, they are invited to attend one training session out of the few organised. During this session, the expectations, examples of work opportunities, relevant skills and various policies (e.g. child protection) are explained.

Only after completing the training, are students added in the mailing list for demonstrating and receive work opportunities via e-mail.

Key duties: Prepare and deliver sessions that students have designed according to a theme or deliver previously designed sessions after attending a presentation. Some of the sessions required may be broad subject areas, whereas others could be more subject-specific.

Payment: Payment varies according to whether students have designed the sessions they deliver or whether they delivered pre-designed sessions. Payment rates previously states apply to each of the two scenarios respectively.

It is required that students sign a contract, which mainly outlines that demonstrators are not formal employees of the University and do not have any other benefits other than the agreed payment rate. Payment is processed through claim forms. The process of submission of the claim forms is explained during the training session.