Role description: This is an external job opportunity that is included in the development programme of the FMS ( Information sessions are organised once or twice per year.
The Brilliant Club ( is a charity that recruits, trains and pays doctoral researchers to deliver programmes of university-style teaching to small tutorial groups in schools that serve communities with a low participation rate in Higher Education. In addition to earning £500 per placement, successful candidates gain valuable teaching experience, enhance their knowledge of the UK education system and develop a programme of tutorials drawing on elements of their own research with a chance to disseminate it to a non-expert audience.
Training: The Brilliant club organises training weekends for the students to attend. Sessions about pedagogy, the design of sessions, preparation of a handbook and key skills for the teaching are offered.
Key duties: Attend the training weekend. For each school placement, design and deliver 5 tutorials at a school around the North East. Visit the school and deliver two more sessions, offering one-to-one feedback about the draft final assignment and feedback at the final assignment respectively. Mark pupils’ assignments throughout the tutorials. The course delivered may be used again in different schools or students may wish to design a new course if they undertake additional placements in the future. Development opportunities are offered after the first placement as well.
Payment: Each placement requires about 55 hours of work, Payment is £500 and return travel expenses to visit the school are reimbursed. Payment is processed at the end of the term in which a course is delivered. Travel expenses are reimbursed around 20-30 days after they are claimed online.