The University website has a lot of information on the thesis submission process, and you should familiarise yourself with the content. We can however give some guidelines to get you started.
When can I submit?
You are expected to submit in the final semester of your candidature. If you would like to submit earlier, then see our guidelines on Early Submission. Alternatively if you are likely to over-run, then see the page on Late Submission.
How do I submit?
Around 3 months before you are due to submit, complete the “Approval of Title and Nomination of Examiners” section on ePortfolio. Don’t under-estimate the importance of this step; it is the only means by which the graduate school know that you are planning to submit, and who your examiners are.
When you submit this form the supervisor team will nominate examiners and submit their names for approval to us in the ICM, and then on to the graduate school.
When the time comes, you submit by completing the Research Degree Examination Entry Form, and bringing 2 soft-bound copies of your thesis to the graduate school.
What happens next?
The graduate school will send the theses to your examiners. At this point, note the University will check whether you have any outstanding debts. The theses will not be sent until the debts are cleared. You have entered the examination phase.