Travel grant for PGR students

As a PhD, MD or MPhil student, you’re eligible to apply for a Faculty travel grant that will enable you to attend a conference, laboratory visit, …
Although you can apply for this funding at any stage, you can only be awarded this funding once.

Usually the maximum will be £800, although this can vary in exceptional circumstances. Applications will be judged on a competitive basis. Factors such as student progress, contribution to the meeting (e.g. poster or oral presentation), attempts to secure alternative competitive funding, training records and quality of the application will all be considered.

Please apply using this electronic form ***Research Student Travel Grant Form*** Paper applications will not be accepted. Applications will be considered on a monthly basis and should be returned to the graduate school by the first day of each month, so make sure your application is submitted in time.

Recent travel grant reports can be found here and there’s more detailed information on the graduate school website.