W/E 10.11.17

NJRO DEADLINES – Christmas & New Year 2017/18

As there may be Funder grant deadlines for research applications falling around the Christmas and New Year period, please can you ask your research staff to submit their research grant applications and associated paperwork to the NJRO by Friday 8 December 2017 – for any deadlines which fall between 18 December 2017 and 5 January 2018 – this will allow for all approvals to be obtained.

The NJRO will have limited resources from pm 22 December 2017 until 2 January 2018.

Newcastle Joint Research Office Newcastle University & The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Fiona Airey

Grants & Contracts Manager

Newcastle University


UK Prevention Research Partnership (UKPRP) – Consortium and Network Awards



Call opens: 30 October 2017

18 January 2018, 4pm     Closing date for Outline applications

26 April 2018                      Applications assessed by Panel

May 2018                             Outline proposal feedback

20 November 2018          Closing date for invited full applications

February 2019   Full applications assessed, including an interview

This call, representing an alliance of funders, will be led by MRC.

An alliance of research funders have agreed to commit £50m to support research into the primary prevention of non-communicable diseases (NCDs). The vision is to generate new insights into actionable, sustainable and cost-effective ways of preventing NCDs that will improve population health and reduce health inequalities in the UK. The research should address the ‘upstream’ determinants of NCDs and be co-produced with users (e.g. policy makers, practitioners, health providers, the third sector, the public etc.). The ‘upstream’ determinants include, but are not limited to, the built and natural environment; employment, education, welfare, transport, health and social care, and communication systems; and the policies of local and central government and of commercial enterprises.

See the report from the Workshop held 18 May 2017 here:


Calls are now launched for Outline applications for Consortium and Network Awards. The applications are to be submitted by email.

A summary of each funding stream is supplied below but please read the full guidance documentation.

Please note that

  • Whilst researchers from overseas institutions may be included in a proposal where this adds value to the research, this Initiative is focussed on research with UK application and is NOT to address the issue of NCDs in developing countries.
  • Details of successful outline proposals (both funding streams) will be published on various websites to provide an opportunity for additional groups with complementary skills, expertise or resources to contact the Director/PI.

Consortium Awards


UKPRP Consortia are large research collaborations undertaking non-communicable disease (NCD) prevention research, targeted at complex adaptive systems, and aligned to the objectives of the UKPRP. Consortia should foster interdisciplinarity (ensuring the mix of disciplines engaged are appropriate to the research questions being addressed) and translation, building on strong links to research users (e.g. policy makers, practitioners, the third sector, the public etc.) and providers. Industry partner(s) could also be involved in the consortium depending on the nature of the research being undertaken. Each consortium will need strong leadership, have a governance structure for decision making, be well managed, and have mechanisms in place to foster linkages between components of the consortium, including users, and facilitate the transfer of research-generated evidence into policy and practice.

  • Two calls for consortia are planned (the second call in 2019). They envisage supporting 2 or 3 consortia in the first round.
  • Consortium Awards will be for £4-7m for 5 years.
  • It is expected that applications will be made in collaboration with research users and providers.
  • Applications from academic-industry partnerships that are led by an academic are encouraged by the UKPRP where these add value to a project. Please note that, commercial exploitation may be an outcome of a successful partnership but the creation of the partnership will never have that as its primary aim.
  • Applicants may be the Research Director on only one consortium award application but can act as co-investigator on any number of applications depending on their ability to deliver this level of commitment.
  • A Letter of Support from the host institution indicating its approval should be included as part of the outline application.  Note that Letters of support from each consortium collaborator will be required at the full application stage.
  • The UKPRP will be funded at 68% fEC.
  • Applicants whose outline application is selected for progressing towards the full application stage will receive a Consortium Development Grant (CDG). This is a fixed-term, 6 month award of up to £50k towards preparing the full application. They anticipate funding 4 to 6 CDGs in each call.

Network Awards


Researchers are invited to submit outline proposals for funding for the UK Prevention Research Partnership Network Awards (UKPRP Networks). These will support interdisciplinary networking activity around a broad challenge in primary prevention research on non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Networking will enable a common language and understanding to be developed between diverse disciplines, enabling them to work productively together to address challenges in preventing NCDs that require new insights and new research communities to be built around them. These awards will provide up to four years support. Each award will fund the operating and supporting costs of the network, as well as some limited funding for some feasibility work to pump prime a new research collaboration.

A core part of these networks will be visionary leadership at the outset and a strong drive to build a diverse community with a broad range of research expertise, drawn from across numerous, and relevant disciplines, and from non-academic sectors, e.g. entrepreneurs or social enterprises. This can also include those working in the prevention arena that do not primarily have a health focus. The aim of networks is to draw together expertise from various sectors to generate new insights to address challenges in the primary prevention of NCDs.

  • They hope to establish 4 to 6 UKPRP networks.
  • Network Awards will be for £100k per annum for up to 4 years.
  • These will develop future capacity in the UK to address NCD prevention challenges.
  • Applicants may be PI on only one application for a network award but can act as co-investigator on any number of applications depending on their ability to deliver this level of commitment.

If you are intending to apply to either of these calls as lead PI or anticipate being a Co-Investigator on an application led by another Research Organisation please contact Dr Gwen Averley gwen.averley@ncl.ac.uk.

Dr Gwen Averley

Research Funding Development Manager

Joint Research Office


The Dunhilll Medical Trust: applications invited for Research Project Grant Scheme

The Dunhill Medical Trust outline applications stage for a research project opened today.

The deadline for receipt of applications is 5pm on 5th January 2018.

The Dunhill Medical Trust aims to improve the understanding of the mechanisms of ageing, the treatment of age-related disease and frailty or identifying and developing new and effective ways to improve the lives of older people.

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The Dunhill Medical Trust is pleased to announce the latest call for applications to its popular Research Project Grant Scheme

Applications are invited from academics and clinicians from all health professions (including allied health professionals) who wish to undertake a research proposal aimed at improving the understanding of the mechanisms of ageing, the treatment of age-related disease and frailty or identifying and developing new and effective ways to improve the lives of older people.

Applications should be made by the Principal Investigator – PI – (Lead Applicant), as the person responsible for the research. As part of the application process, the PI will be expected to demonstrate that he/she is based in a strong research environment with a suitable skill mix in the research team (with other members of the team being named as Co-Investigators). The Trust does not consider single applicant proposals.

Lead applicants for whom this is a first grant as Principal Investigator will not be precluded, indeed, the Trust wishes to encourage the development of research capacity by providing opportunities for career development. The Trust would, however, expect to see a more experienced researcher as a Co-Investigator with a clear plan for mentoring and support.

Research Project Grants should be completed in a maximum period of three years. The minimum grant available is £25k and the maximum is £300k.

Host institutions for the research project grant should be a recognised university department, teaching hospital or other recognised research centre within the UK.

Scheme guidelines and details of how to apply via our online Grants Management Portal are available at:  http://dunhillmedical.org.uk/research-project-grants/

Dr Gwen Averley

Research Funding Development Manager

Joint Research Office


Faculty PhD Studentships 2018: application process

I am pleased to announce that this faculty has secured sufficient funding to support up to seven PhD studentships to start in September, 2018. Each of these studentships is fully-funded for 3-years and will provide the following support:

  • Fees at the Home/EU student rate
  • Non-clinical stipend at the RCUK rate
  • £5,000 per year bench fees.

The following studentships are available:

  • 1 x JW Luccock and E Jeffcock studentship in any research area within FMS
  • 5 x Barbour Foundation studentships in dementia, adult cancer, age-related chronic disease, or infection and immunology
  • 1 x Alan Bremner Smith Legacy studentship in bone marrow transplantation (leukaemia research and clinical treatment).

In order to apply for one of these studentships, the Graduate School has devised a simple web-form. This can be accessed here:


The closing date for applications is Friday 5th January, 2018.In addition to project alignment with the specific funders’ remit, key criteria for success will include:

  • The potential to generate outputs for REF 2021
  • Excellence of the supervisory team
  • Excellence of the training opportunity for students
  • Supervisory engagement with the Graduate School’s Skills Development Programme and e-portfolio.

We encourage applications from early career academics, including NURFs.

If you already have a student in mind for one of these studentships, please provide details in your application.

Please contact me if you require any further information.

Professor John Kirby DPhil

Dean of Postgraduate Studies

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