Skills and Knowledge Transfer grants

Deadline: 24 November 2017 (outline)

Amount: Up to £75k (80% fEC), budget of £250k for 17/18

Duration: Up to 12 months

A skills and knowledge transfer grant supports the adoption of alternative, novel 3Rs models, tools and technologies within routine research practice, through the transfer of knowledge, skills and expertise.

Applications from any area of medical, biological or veterinary research are within remit; those that integrate a range of disciplines are particularly encouraged.

Scheme remit:

  • The model/tool/technology, upon which the application is based, must be at a development stage ready for adoption by the end user(s) within only minor optimisation required. No further development work should be needed.
  • All applications to this scheme must include both the ‘developer’ and ‘end-user(s)’ of the model/tool/technology. Either party may be identified as the primary investigator, and the other(s) must be co-investigator(s) or project partner(s).

Applicants are advised to read the NC3Rs Applicant and Grant Holder Handbook, which contains more detailed information about the application process.

Highlight notice for 2017/18

Across all funding schemes in 2017/18, applications incorporating systematic reviews within their proposed project plans/ programmes of work.

Potential applicants are advised to contact the NC3Rs funding team before submitting an application under this highlight notice.

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