MQ: Data Science Award

Deadline: 22nd January 2018
Amount: £50k, total budget of £200k for 2018 (annual call)
Duration: between 6 and 24 months
Eligibility: Must have minimum of 3 years Postdoc experience

The Data Science Award will enable successful awardees to obtain pilot data or proof of concept needed in order to obtain follow-up funding from other sources.

The project must address a question relevant to mental health.
The project should, directly or indirectly, improve prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care options, and lead to a better understanding of mental health and illness.
The project should make use of existing UK data resources in an innovative way
Existing data resources could include routinely collected data (health, social, educational, or other administrative data), data from longitudinal studies, tissue banks, etc., or naturalistic data streams.
Projects that seek to enrich existing data e.g. through linkage, or projects that develop new tools to collect, access, or query the data are also eligible
International collaborations are eligible, provided that UK data resources are a key component of the project.
Applicants must explain how they will be able to access the designated data resources and/or to perform linkage studies as needed within a secure platform for analysis.

MQ are especially interested in applications that focus on the following:

  • Research questions in children and young people’s mental health and mental health over the lifespan
  • Proposals which include academic and non-academic partners
  • Proposals which include collaborations across the four countries of the United Kingdom

Funds may be used flexibly, including for any of the following:

  • start-up funding for a specific project, transition funding for a current project, co-funding with other funding sources
  • direct research costs, e.g. computing costs; data access costs
  • salary support: for the applicant themselves; for research staff as appropriate.

A sample application document is available to download through the link above.

Please ensure to read the full call guidance document (pdf), also available from the link above.

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