AMS Newcastle celebration event 11th January 2018 2-6pm Baddiley Clark Seminar Room

Academy of Medical Sciences – North East Celebration of Success eflyer

The official flier is attached for the 11th January event Christine Harrison is hosting as the Newcastle champion for the Academy of Medical Sciences

The Programme details are  below, thank you all again for agreeing present at this event.

To book (so we know how many refreshments to order) please use the link in the attached pdf.

Academy of Medical Sciences
Raising Awareness and Celebrating Success
11th January 2018    2-6pm
Baddiley Clark Seminar Room

2.00 pm                Introduction
Professor Sir Doug Turnbull, Professor of Neurology Academy Council Member

2.30 pm                New Fellow to Newcastle:
Professor Brian Walker: “Controlling cortisol in degenerative disease”

3.00-4.00 pm     Springboard Award Holders:
Dr David Llobet-Navas: “Characterizing the miR-424/503 network in breast cancer”

Dr Suzanne Spence: “An evaluation of food choice architecture on food and drink consumption in 11-16y olds in Newcastle: a feasibility study”

4.00-5.00 pm     New Newcastle Fellows:
Professor David Burn: “Walking the wheel the wrong way:  A Clinical Academic’s Story”

Professor Derek Mann: “From a GCSE and A levels disaster story to Dean of Research!”

5.00-6.00pm      Drinks reception

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