Wellcome Trust Multi-user Equipment Grants


Deadline: Outline 12th January 2018, Full 6th April 2018

Duration: Up to 5 years

Amount: £100k – £1M

What Wellcome are looking for:

  • how the proposed equipment will directly benefit your research and that of others
  • your track record
  • your host organisation’s financial contribution
  • evidence of demand for the equipment
  • whether you’ve considered that similar equipment may be available locally/nationally
  • pilot data showing the suitability of the equipment
  • management and sustainability plans
  • expertise in operating the equipment
  • the cost of the equipment (including manufacturer discounts)
  • added value for Wellcome Trust-funded research.

Expenses may include:

  • staff
  • equipment
  • access charges
  • research management and support costs
  • inflation allowance
  • clinical research costs

The host organisation must provide a supporting statement that outlines:

  • how the equipment will contribute to their overall research strategy
  • their contribution towards the equipment (financial or otherwise).

The host organisation should contribute at least 25 per cent towards the cost of the equipment.

Contributions can include support in-kind as well as money, such as the provision of a key support post.

Please ensure to read the full application details available through the link above.

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