British Academy Visiting Fellowships for outstanding academics based in any country overseas to visit the UK

Deadline 31 January 2018

The British Academy has launched a new funding scheme for Visiting Fellowships. These Fellowships provide academics based in any country overseas (and active at any career stage and in any discipline within the humanities and social sciences) with the opportunity to be based at a UK higher education or other research institution of their choice for up to six months. Visiting Fellows will work with colleagues at UK host institutions in order to develop new research collaborations and/or deepen existing partnerships.

Candidates need not necessarily apply to develop collaboration with UK scholars active within the same discipline. The Fellowships are open also to applicants who wish to work with UK colleagues in other areas or disciplines (including scholars within the natural, medical, or engineering sciences), in a cross- or inter-disciplinary way.

Awards of up to £33,000 are available. Funding can be used to support subsistence and accommodation costs, research expenses, travel expenses and a contribution of 50% of the total award to enable the UK institution to host the fellow.

British Academy website


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