Action Medical Research and Borne joint awards

Deadline: 27th March 2018

Pump-priming Grants – Up to £75k, 12-18 months

Project Grants – Up to £200k, up to 3 years

Applications are invited in the fields of:

  • preterm birth and factors leading to preterm birth
  • pre-eclampsia; IUGR; the pathophysiological pathways that trigger the premature onset of labour
  • the maternal environment to ensure healthy babies
  • the maternal microbiome and the maternal immune system in pregnancy
  • the development of the baby during pregnancy
  • monitoring fetal health during pregnancy
  • monitoring the health of the baby during delivery
  • preparation for pregnancy to improve outcomes for the baby including nutrition.

This joint award is focused on the pregnancy period and the factors and conditions in pregnancy that may lead to preterm birth.

Exclusions include assisted conception, maternal health not having an impact on babies and children, and neonatal and perinatal interventions to address the consequences of prematurity.

Outline applications will be graded on both potential clinical impact and scientific quality.

A combination of clinical and science applicants is particularly ecouraged including novel scientific collaborations that could bring new insight into the problems of preterm birth.

Focused high quality research that can be translated into clinical solutions in the short to medium term is encouraged.

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