Deadline: 06/04/18
Amount: £50k
Duration: Up to 12 Months
Discovery Awards support new research proposals for analysis of DPUK’s cohort data to help further scientific understanding of the dementias.
The DPUK Discovery Awards committee will assess applications based on the following criteria:
- Importance
- Originality
- Support for DPUK’s mission
The DPUK Discovery Awards are open to researchers or academics based at universities or in industry.
The lead applicant should have a salary in place for the duration of the award and at least one Early Career Researcher should be part of the research team.
Institutional support / Supporting statement from host organisation
A supporting statement from the host organisation, signed by an appropriate senior authority, including the contributions, financial or otherwise, that will be provided by the organisation and / or other sources, can be attached if appropriate.
The application form can be viewed through the link above. Applications are submitted through an online page.
Information on the DPUK cohort data can be found here: