NERC DTP2 Call – Expressions of interest from Newcastle

Dear colleagues

On behalf of the SAgE PG Dean, Selina Stead, please find details of the NERC Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP)2 Call that may be of interest through the following link NERC DTP2 Call Summary. A link to the full NERC DTP2 call information can be found here.

Newcastle University is currently a partner of the IAPETUS DTP, which is led by Durham University. Newcastle are planning to resubmit as a partner to IAPETUS 2 as part of this DTP2 call but there is also an opportunity for Newcastle to submit a DTP proposal as lead PI.

Please note that Newcastle can only submit one DTP proposal as lead institution so a coordinated approach is required.

Therefore can we please ask that you provide information on any potential DTP ideas using the table below and return this via email by the 12th February:

Name of Newcastle DTP proposers
NERC Remit area
Proposed partner institutions
Identified end users/potential CASE partners
Will Newcastle be PI or CoI?
Outline proposal:
Required leverage/support from Newcastle University
Any other information


The external deadlines for the call are:

Closing date (Notification of Intent): 16:00 on Wednesday 7 March 2018

Closing date (Proposals): 16:00 on Wednesday 16 May 2018

Further information will be circulated once the expressions of interest are received, and further discussions can be arranged.

All queries and responses should be directed to:

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