Wellcome Trust, Public Engagement Fund launched 05/03/18

The Wellcome Trust recently announced that it was changing its public engagement strategy: https://wellcome.ac.uk/news/public-engagement-fund-relaunch-tighter-focus-outcomes      /     https://wellcome.ac.uk/news/wellcomes-approach-engaging-public-going-change

Today, 5th March 2018, the Wellcome has launched its new Public Engagement Fund: https://wellcome.ac.uk/funding/public-engagement-fund

The revised fund supports projects of between £25K and £3m for up to 3 years.

Wellcome are looking for creative approaches to engage the public but these must align with their PE goals.

The proposal, must include:

  • The main outcomes you want to achieve during the project, the outputs (activities) you’ll undertake, and any longer-term impacts you hope your project will have
  • The people you want to reach, and why you want to work with them
  • Previous activities, knowledge or learning that your proposal will build on
  • An outline plan of how you will deliver the project
  • How you’ll track if your project has been successful in achieving its outcomes
  • How you’ll share what you’ve learned.

Resources for those interested in this opportunity include;

Wellcome’s public engagement goals: https://wellcome.ac.uk/what-we-do/our-work/public-engagement

“What good proposals looks like” (pdf): https://wellcome.ac.uk/sites/default/files/public-engagement-fund-what-good-proposals-look-like.pdf

Upcoming deadlines:

  • Proposals for grants of £25,000 to £250,000 – 3rd May 2018 and 28th June 2018 (there will be four deadlines per year).
  • Over £250k –  this is a rolling deadline but an expression of interest must be submitted to the Wellcome before applying.

Please ensure to read the full call details via the link above.

UK-Kenya Joint Partnership on Non-Communicable Diseases


Budget: £2.2m total with approx. 4 projects supported

Duration: Up to 3 years

Deadline: 9th April 2018, outline submission via email – 09th May 2018 full call deadline via Je-S

The Medical Research Council (MRC) and the National Research Foundation (NRF) of Kenya are inviting research proposals to the Newton Fund’s UK-Kenya Joint Partnership on Non-Communicable Diseases. This initiative will provide funding for high quality collaborative research projects focused on addressing non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in Kenya.

The proposal should be developed by a UK PI and a Kenyan PI. Principal Investigators may only submit one application to this scheme as principal investigator, but may be involved in more applications if listed as a co-investigator.

Under this first MRC-NRF initiative, research proposals must specifically address one or more of the following diseases:

  • Cancer.
  • Cardiovascular diseases.
  • Chronic respiratory diseases.
  • Diabetes.

The funders are welcoming research proposals across the spectrum of research activities including, but not limited to, basic discovery research, epidemiology, understanding the mechanisms of disease, novel detection and diagnosis, development of therapeutics/interventions. Proposals must fall within the remits of both funders.

Research proposals must seek to generate scientific outcomes of relevance to the prevention, treatment, management and/or control of the above listed diseases in Kenya. The purpose of this call is to support research projects; however, the funders are also encouraging projects that incorporate elements of capacity building within them.

All proposals for this call must meet Newton Fund requirements. In particular, proposals must be compliant with Official Development Assistance (ODA) funding rules.

Please ensure to read the full call details and guidance documents, available through the link above.