BBSRC SLoLas – Strategic Longer and Larger Grants: Frontier bioscience REGISTER by 22 June 2018

22 June 2018                                      Registration deadline MANDATORY STAGE

12 July 2018, 4pm                             Outline application deadline (must have registered)

16 January 2019, 4pm                     Full application (invited) deadline

BBSRC SLoLas – Strategic Longer and Larger Grants: Frontier bioscience

Up to £16 million is available to fund 3-5 sLoLa grants, each over £2m (100% fEC value) and up to 5 years in duration and start in late 2019.

In the 2018/19 sLoLa call, BBSRC seek to support cutting edge, innovative and ambitious research that addresses key fundamental questions in bioscience.

To produce major advances, proposals are expected to employ (or develop) the latest technologies, methods and approaches that will result in world leading capability in bioscience within the UK. There is no requirement for proposals to address our responsive mode priorities.

Proposals must fully address the scope of the sLoLa call, clearly demonstrating a primary focus on generating a significant advancement in fundamental bioscience knowledge.

Proposals must provide a clear justification for the necessity for funding through the sLoLa scheme in order to deliver the programme of work.

The proposal must demonstrate overall coherence, connectivity, coordination and integration of the work to be carried out, to the extent that the work could not be undertaken through funding a series of separate smaller awards.

The work to be undertaken must be primarily within BBSRC remit. We encourage interdisciplinary proposals but we strongly advise potential applicants to contact us beforehand to discuss the application if aspects of the proposal are outside of our remit

N.B. Research in areas in which there is already substantial BBSRC investment is likely to be at a competitive disadvantage.

Likewise proposals driven by Official Development Assistance (ODA) strategic aims (Global Challenges Research Fund and Newton Fund) are excluded.

Applicants (PI and Co-Is) must demonstrate that they have the capability to successfully manage and deliver a programme of work of the proposed scale and complexity.

Key indicators will include:

  • A track record of making internationally important research contributions relevant to the proposed project. This may be evidenced through a variety of different measures of peer recognition and success which may include, but are not limited to: publications, key note conference presentations, development and implementation of novel technologies, and patents
  • A recent track record (within the last 10 years, excluding career breaks) of significant financial support from major funding bodies. This excludes research equipment grants, studentships and grants that have not been competitively awarded
  • A track record demonstrating the capability of the Principal Investigator to effectively lead and manage teams. This should be evidenced through their role in specific projects or programmes, and professional development undertaken in leadership/project management.

Inclusion of Early Career Researcher (ECR) co-investigators within teams is encouraged providing evidence of significant accomplishments commensurate with their career stage is provided and they contribute distinctive expertise to the proposal. In such cases, the Principal Investigator must provide a commitment to the mentoring and career development of the ECR, and demonstrate previous successful experience of this.

The Principal Investigator must not already be a PI on an existing LoLa or sLoLa (unless the grant is in its final year).

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