MRC Cancer research and global health initiative

20 June 2018, 4pm

MRC Cancer Research and Global Health Initiative

MRC has announced two parallel calls as part of their Global Challenge Research Fund (GCRF) activities:

  1. Cancer research and global health: Pump-priming call
  2. Cancer research and global health: call for outlines for substantive research proposals

Proposals must meet the ODA requirements, focus on issues primarily relevant to Lower and Middle Income Countries (LMICs) and aim to achieve one or more of the following goals:

  • Develop new research strategies to tackle the cancer challenges that are relevant to LMICs in the short, medium and long-term
  • Develop new UK-LMIC research partnerships or enhance and expand on existing ones
  • Identify opportunities and assess feasibility of large-scale cancer global health research projects in partnership with LMICs
  • Extend scope of existing research to LMIC settings
  • Apply novel / potentially high-risk approaches to cancer research, with opportunities for multidisciplinary approaches
  • Produce preliminary data and develop concepts for future grant applications
  • Create pathways to impact in LMICs
  • Pump-priming


Applications must be led by a UK-based PI but at least one LMIC-based researcher must be named as Co-Investigator

Awards of up to £200,000 for up to 24 months are available and must start no later than 15 November 2018 and end no later than 14 November 2021

The purpose of this call is to provide “pump-priming” funds to undertake projects to generate preliminary data and establish/expand/consolidate UK-LMIC partnerships.

MRC will accept proposals for research addressing challenges related to cancers of high impact and/or increasing burden in LMICs, including but not restricted to these areas:

  • Cancer biology
  • Aetiology and epidemiology
  • Prevention, early detection and screening
  • Cancers and infections
  • Cancer treatment
  • Health systems research
  • Methodology research
  • Drug discovery and translational research
  • Use of technologies for cancer control in LMICs

The funding can be used to support:

  • Networking meetings and other events to develop strategy and partnerships for future activities
  • Small pump-priming projects to generate preliminary data for future applications
  • Salary costs for existing research staff, where these can be shown to be making a clear and important contribution to the development of proposed activities
  • Travel and accommodation expenses
  • outlines for substantive research proposals


Outline applications are invited for substantive research proposals (usually 3-5 years in duration)

The Cancer Research and Global Health panel will assess the outlines and provide feedback. Outlines that are positioned to present competitive proposals for funding will be invited to submit full applications to the next available research board deadlines, and applicants are expected to include a cover letter within their full proposal in which they explain how they have responded to the panel’s feedback.

While co-applicants from LMICs are encouraged for the outlines for substantive projects, they are not a formal requirement as long as the work still meets the ODA requirements.

In contrast to the pump-priming call, this call is targeted at researchers with established research plans and underpinning data to support larger, longer-term projects, and established partnerships within the UK or with LMICs.

Please read the guidance documents available at the URL above.

If you intend applying to either of these funding streams please let Gwen Averley and Darren Airey know and as well as informing your Institute Research Officer who will need to check the process re overseas costs.

Please note that you would be advised for LMIC Co-Is to create a Je-S account as soon as possible and you would be advised to start the process of obtaining overseas Letters of Support straightaway too.

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