Volunteers required for a research study

To whom it may concern

I am studying an MRes in Neuroscience and need to recruit more volunteers for my research project. I was wondering if it would be OK for you to circulate this information around the ICM mailing list so I can recruit some more participants?

We’re looking at the effects of anthocyanins, specifically blackcurrant, on cognition and monoamine oxidase inhibition in the brain. 

The study requires volunteers to come to the NU Food Unit in the Agriculture Building 4 times over the course of 3 weeks. The first session is just a screening session and will take around 1 hour. Then on each of the 3 study days participants will arrive at 08:30 and have a baseline blood sample taken and perform a baseline cognitive test on a computer. They will then be given a formulated blackcurrant drink and then throughout the day will have 2 more blood tests and will perform 2 more cognitive tasks.

The morning sessions usually last around 2-2.5 hours and then participants are free to leave before returning at around 1pm for 30-40 mins. 

We are looking for healthy, non-smoking volunteers aged 18-35 who are not pregnant, don’t take any prescription drugs and have no allergies to any of the ingredients in the drinks. 

Participants will be offered a £25 Eldon Square voucher for taking part.

I have attached the information sheet and for more information please contact me on o.m.hughes1@newcastle.ac.uk

AW03-BC Information sheet


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