URGENT Please respond by 6th June if interested – AXA Research Fund Fellowship: Women’s Health & Access to Healthcare


AXA Research Fund Women’s Health call

The AXA Research Fund has released a call for a 2 year Fellowship in the remit of Women’s Health & Access to Healthcare,

Newcastle may nominate one candidate to make an application to this call though it has to do so to an extremely tight deadline.

  • The Fellowship is for 24 months for a maximum of 125,000 Euros to cover the Fellow’s salary and research costs.
  • The Fellow may be no more than 5 years post completing a PhD.
  • Applicants may reside in any country and be of any nationality.
  • They must already have a stellar CV of publications, being involved in networks, have esteem indicators of awards, invitation to speak, etc. and have disseminated their findings beyond the academic community.

If successful the Fellowship would have to start at Newcastle between December 2018 and September 2019.

Newcastle’s selected applicant would need to submit their proposal online by the deadline of 5 July, 2018 by 2pm C.E.S.T.

Newcastle has to submit the name of their selected candidate by Wednesday June 13th (any later cuts into the time available to the applicant to make an application).

I attach the call guidance and a summary of the main points.

If you think you have a candidate of sufficient calibre who could make the above grant writing deadlines and fellowship start times please send their CV and a brief (up to one page) description of the nature of the research topic they would propose to gwen.averley@ncl.ac.uk

by 4pm on Wednesday 6th June

A decision will then be made as to who may go forward to make an application as Newcastle’s nominee.

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