ESRC: Innovation in Social Care Collaborative Grants

Innovation in Social Care Collaborative Grants

ESRC invite outline application for large collaborative grants on Innovation in Social Care.  Grants are expected to be between £1 million and £2 million (100% fEC), for a duration of up to 60 months and to be submitted by 16 October 2018.

Through this call, ESRC will fund social science-led research and knowledge exchange activity to understand how, why and where innovation happens in social care, to best understand how to improve people’s lives.  Each grant should be highly collaborative involving a range of disciplines and stakeholders through the research process, as well as including researchers with a strong track record.

Proposal should reflect the reality of how social care is experienced by care recipients and providers, their friends and families, and care professionals, as well as exploring the relationships between those involved.  All applicants should also consider the following, and clearly state how these will be addressed in their case for support:

  • Social care system
  • Theoretical and methodological approach
  • Impact of inequality
  • Place
  • Outcomes

Proposals are particularly welcomed that focus on one or more of the following (see page 3 of the call specification for further details):

  • Housing
  • Workforce
  • Relationships
  • Wider political and economic backdrop to social care


Closing date for outline proposals – 16 October 2018

Proposals shortlisted – December 2018

Closing date for full proposals – February 2019

Funding decisions – June 2019

Grants start – from 1 September 2019

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